Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Romantic Reunion

During my sleepless dream-scheming nights, in my run up to arriving in Hong Kong, I had visions of David and my romantic reunion in Hong Kong airport's arrivals.  In retrospect the vision of David arriving early in eager anticipation of meeting my flight, armed with a bouquet of flowers, was ill-conceived.  David is not known for his punctuality and the romance fled our relationship the first time we farted in front of each other.  So, true to form - I cleared immigration, picked-up my luggage and passed through customs before my husband had even made it on to the train from Hong Kong to the airport.

When he did finally arrive - I was slightly disappointed at the absence of any flowers.  However, brushing the disappointment aside, it was lovely to see David again after our two month separation.  And after my first lychee martini - the disappointment was soon forgotten!

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